Healthcare jobs lead the list of the highest-paying occupations.

Healthcare jobs lead the list of the highest-paying occupations.


Rankings are based on salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Rankings are based on salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)


1. Anesthesiologists: $331,190 2. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: $311,460

3. Obstetricians-Gynecologists: $296,210 4. Surgeons: $294,520

5. Orthodontists: $267,280 6. Physicians (Other): $255,110

7. Psychiatrists: $249,760 8. Internal Medicine Physicians: $242,190

9. Family Medicine Physicians: $235,930 10. Chief Executives: $213,020

11. Nurse Anesthetists: $202,470 12. Pediatricians (General): $198,420

13. Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers: $198,190 14. Dentists (All Other Specialties): $175,160

15. Dentists (General): $167,160 16. Computer and Information Systems Managers: $162,930

17. Architectural and Engineering Managers: $158,970 18. Natural Sciences Managers: $156,110

19. Financial Managers: $153,460 20. Marketing Managers: $153,440

21. Physicist: $151,580 22. Judges: $148,030 23. Podiatrists: $145,840

24. Petroleum Engineers: $145,720 25. Prosthodontists: $143,730