Hot Weather Driving Away Tourists From France, Greece & Spain

Spain hit by hottest and deadliest summer in 20 years

4,655 people died due to heat waves during the period from June 1 to August 30 in Spain

Weather temperatures in Spain in July and August ranged between 38-40 degrees Celsius.

A heat wave is declared when the temperature exceeds 36ºC for more than three consecutive days.

Beach showers in Spain have been turned off for the summer due to the impact of the drought

Hot weather is also affected countries like Greece and France, are experiencing higher temperatures

Hot weather is driving the tourists away to other cooler destinations

Heat and water shortages are also affecting European crop yields, with farmers suffering due to reduced harvests.

Heatwaves and a shortage of rain since May has led to the dry conditions and lower river levels

Several nations are under drought warning

And fearing conditions getting worse in France, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Romania and the Netherlands